1. Bubble Bobble 4 Friends Collector's Edition (SLG, Sealed) | Switch Games
This physical release is limited to 2500 copies worldwide (individually numbered) and sold out on the day of release! For more info and new releases, visit ...
Bubble Bobble is the iconic cult game and is thus considered to be one of the most popular and innovative platformers of the 80s. Our heroes Bub and Bob set out to free their sweethearts from the hands of the nasty Baron.
2. Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back! Collector's Edition (PS4)
Officially licensed PlayStation 4 game. Strictly Limited Games limited release, individually numbered. Limited to 1700 copies worldwide.
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back!, officially licensed PlayStation 4 game. Strictly Limited Games limited release, individually numbered. Limited to 1,700 copies worldwide. We ship internationally. A fan favorite returns – welcome back, Bub and Bob! It all started in 1986 with the original Bubble Bobble, whic
3. Bubble Bobble 4 Friends the Baron is Back! Collector's Edition - Nedgame
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends the Baron is Back! Collector's Edition ... Nog slechts 2 op voorraad! ... Bestel en betaal eenvoudig online, haal af in onze winkels. -- ...
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back! is een platformactiespel met één scherm dat is uitgebracht als een nieuwe toevoeging aan Bubble Bobble 4 Friends. Het zal een uitgebreide inhoud bevatten, inclusief de onoverwinnelijke Baron von Blubba, die de uitdaging nog groter maakt!
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends kreeg veel lof van critici en fans, en velen vroegen om meer inhoud. Daarom wordt The Baron is Back geleverd met 100 nieuwe extra fasen. Er zijn dus dubbel zoveel levels als voorheen! Het bevat ook een veelgevraagde online ranking-functie waarmee spelers over de hele wereld hun hoogste scores kunnen vergelijken en tegen elkaar kunnen strijden.
De terugkeer van de favoriete schurk, Baron von Blubba, zorgt voor extra spanning en maakt de nieuwe podia behoorlijk uitdagend, aangezien hij onoverwinnelijk is.
Je kunt samen spelen in multiplayer met maximaal vier spelers. Ook inbegrepen is de originele arcadeversie van Bubble Bobble.
Een feest voor fans en plezier voor het hele gezin!
- Online ranglijsten
- Meer dan 200 niveaus
- Geëvolueerd Bubble Bobble Gameplay / w Skill System
- Onoverwinnelijke nieuwe baas Baron von Blubba
- Originele Arcade Bubble Bobble inbegrepen
- Coop tot 4 spelers
Collector's Edition bevat:
-Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back! Game (PlayStation 4)
-Hardcover CE Box with magnetic lock
-Retro PCB Pa...
4. Bubble Bobble 4 Friends [Collector's Edition] Prices PAL Nintendo Switch
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends [Collector's Edition] PAL Nintendo Switch ; Release Date: October 27, 2019 ; PEGI Rating: Not Applicable ; Publisher: Strictly Limited ...
See AlsoPs4 Data East's Hoops Review
5. Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back! Collector's Edition Plushie ...
Limited to 47 copies worldwide. Includes a SLG exclusive round acrylic glass print and plushie of Bub and Bob! A fan favorite returns – welcome back, Bub and ...
The Collectors Edition of Bubble Bobble 4 Friends for your PS4
6. Switch's New Bubble Bobble Game Is Getting Standard And Collector's ...
21 okt 2019 · Both editions will be going up for pre-order exclusively from the Strictly Limited Games online store on 27th October. The limited Standard ...
With exclusive cover, book, stickers and more
7. Bubble Bobble 4 Friends Collector's Edition Announced; Strictly Limited
22 okt 2019 · From Sunday 27 October, both editions for Nintendo Switch can be pre-ordered exclusively from the Strictly Limited Games online store. The ...
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends is not far off with a release date of November 19 in Europe but just four weeks before, Strictly Limited Games and Taito have announced a physical and collector’s edition. Check it out: > Stuttgart, publisher Strictly Limited Games, specializing in the release of strictly limited
8. Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back! [Collector's Edition] - Playasia
Official Release Date, 17-Nov-2020. Genre, Platform. Version, Europe. PAX-Code, PAX0013281760. Item Code, 4260650741593. Players, 1-4. Product Weight, 0.6 kg.
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends: The Baron is Back! [Collector's Edition] for PlayStation 4Online Ranking Feature! - A newly included feature for Switch will be the much requested online ranking. This will allow players worldwide to compare their high scores and compete against each other, giving the game an additional boost on replayability and funMore Stages - more content! - The Baron is Back comes with 100 unique, new stages: twice as many stages as before!The return of the fan-favourite villain, Baron von Blubba, brings additional thrills and makes the new stages quite challenging, given that he is invincible. The player ...