[Full List] Conan Exiles Admin Commands - Richannel (2025)

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by Kane L.

Being extra and having extra always feels great. The Conan Exiles Admin Commands are the extras which make the gamers feel great. If you know about the Admin Panel in Conan Exiles and using the Commands, you’ll unlock some good extra features that other players can’t access. To get you through with the Conan Exiles Admin Commands, we are presenting you with this post. Here, I’ll provide you a list of all the working Conan Exiles Admin Commands and the description of what they do.

They’ll come pretty handy if you use them the right way. Let’s begin.

[Full List] Conan Exiles Admin Commands - Richannel (1)

What are Conan Exiles Admin Commands

There is a technical game mechanic inConan Exilesknown as theAdmin Panel. It provides access to many of the game’s items, creatures, thralls, and enemies. It is also possible to alter character stats. Doesn’t matter if you are playing even solo. The Admin Panel is available on all devices and game modes. It is also not necessary to access it through the settings or creative mode.

[Full List] Conan Exiles Admin Commands - Richannel (2)

Conan Exiles allows the gamers to create their ownprivate servers. This turns out to be very useful, especially after Funcomended the collaborationwith its official server partner due to increasing quality issues. You can use the Conan Exiles Admin Commands to control your private servers in a better manner.

How to use the Conan Exiles Admin Commands?

In order to use them, you must first learn how to use them. The process isn’t much complex. Follow these steps:

Step-1: To bring up the console you will need to press the tilde key (~) on your keyboard. If you’re not familiar with the key, it is situated in the top left corner of your keyboard, just above the Tab key and under the Esc key.

Step-2: Now log in as an admin. To do this, enter the following and then hit Enter– MakeMeAdmin <AdminPassword>. For example: MakeMeAdmin pass123.

Step-3: You can use the Conan Exiles Admin Commands from here.

Note:You may need a keyboard to be plugged in if you are playing on a console. Also, Teleport or Summon Player might not be available for PS4.

Now let’s move towards the list of Conan Exiles Admin Commands.

List of all the Conan Exiles Admin Commands

Here is a complete guide of all the known admin commands for managing your server or local game.


Admin Command


Make AdminMakeMeAdmin [AdminPassword]Enters Admin mode.
  • TriggersAdmin Rights Granted(top right).
Make NormalMakeMeNormalExits Admin mode. Alternatively, log off and log back on.
Enable CheatsENABLECHEATSGrants usage of admin commands after being granted admin mode.
*Possibly outdated: May no longer be in the game as no other sources mention this.
Learn EmoteLearnEmote [emote]Type/emote [emote]in chat or holdRto bring up theEmotemenu.
GodGodToggles God mode.
  • Invulnerable to all damage, knockbacks,status effectsetc.
  • Only exceptions are theCursewalland fall damage from eg. teleporting via theMap(Admin only)


  • Teleports yourself to a targeted surface.
  • Teleports yourself to a targeted player:ViewPlayer+Teleport+ViewSelf.
Teleport PlayerTeleportPlayer [name] [coordinates]Teleports yourself or another player to the specified coordinates.
  • [coordinates]are[x] [y] [z].
Teleport To PlayerTeleportToPlayer [PlayerName]Teleports yourself to the specified player.
Summon PlayerSummonPlayer [Playername]Teleports a player to yourself. (If player name, Steam name and Character name are the same, you need to put Steam name in quotes “player”)
FlyFlyEnters Flymode.
  • Fly mode has two different poses, “Fly” and “FlyB”, which are occasionally switched.
WalkWalkExits the Fly, Ghost or Godmode.
Toggle Sprint CostNoSprintCostNo stamina drain while sprinting (Not unlimited stamina)
  • Makes you invisible to other players
  • Grants Noclip – you can pass through objects
  • Building is possible, but only in the direction you faced in first person.
CloakCloakInvisible to NPCs, even when attacking them.
Toggle InvisibilityInvisibilityMakes your character invisible.

Toggle the Perspective

View PlayerViewPlayer [Playername]Moves camera inside target, with[Playername]being their Steam name.
View SelfViewSelfMoves camera back to your own character.


Some descriptions may be missing.
Fill Player Purge MeterFillPlayerPurgeMeter
Fill Player Clan Purge MeterFillPlayerClanPurgeMeter
Empty Player Clan Purge MeterEmptyPlayerClanPurgeMeter
Fill Clan Purge MeterFillClanPergeMeterSingleplayer only.The command is currently mispelled.
Fill All Clan Purge MetersFillAllClanPurgeMeters
Empty All Clan Purge MetersEmptyAllClanPurgeMeters
Start PurgeStartPlayerPurgeSets Purge to start/Starts Purgewhen the Purge meter is full.
End PurgeEndPurgeEnds purge.
Start Next PurgeStartNextPurgePhaseForces a new Purge.
Start Next WaveStartNextWaveStarts a next wave of the same purge.

Miscellaneous (others)

Toggle Debug HUDToggleDebugHUDShows:
  • Server performance and player count (top right).
  • Your coordinates (bottom left).
  • A full list of players.
    *Might be outdated.
Toggle Player ListShowPlayersLists connected players, Steam names and IDs.
Damage TargetDamageTargetDeals damage to the object or NPC in your crosshairs.
Destroy TargetDestroyTargetUse with caution
  • Removes entire targeted player built structures.
  • Temporarily removes targeted parts of the map. Singleplayer requires a relog and servers require a restart to restore this.
Spawn ItemSpawnItem [ItemID] [Quantity]Spawns the specified item in the specified quantity.
Print Player InfoPrintPlayerInfoGives you the specific players Steam name and in-game character name
  • You can enter a players character name to get their Steam name or you can enter the Steam name to get their character.
  • You will need to double~Tilde key to view the output.
Broadcast MessageBroadcastMessage [Message]Sends a message to all online players via a pop-up box which needs to be clicked on to close (can annoy players as it interrupts gameplay, especially when in combat).
Set Server MOTDSetServerSetting"ServerMessageOfTheDay" [YourMessage]Quotations are required.
*Currently not implemented.
Get Server HealthGetServerHealthLists server statistics in the console (Press~a second time to view the output):
  • FPS.
  • Player count.
  • Number of spawned actors.
  • Number of player bases (incl. detached foundations).
  • Total number of building parts (foundations, walls, floors, roofs, etc. – possibly includes all placeables like chests, crafting stations, etc?).
  • LOD count.
Get All Server SettingsGetAllServerSettingsDisplays a list of all available server settings you can modify. (Press~a second time to view the output)
Set Server SettingSetServerSetting "Setting" [Value]Allows you to modify theServer Settingsfrom ServerSettings.ini while in-game. Quotations are required.

Referencefor the Table:conanexiles.gamepedia.com

Keyboard Shortcuts

You should learn these important keyboard shortcuts also.

  • Ctrl+Shift+C:This brings up the Admin Panel GUI.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L:It pens a dialog box with the players current x,y,z world coordinates. (This is a client command and can be used by any player.) Much useful for use in combination with theTeleportPlayer [x y z]command.
  • Shift+Delete:This removes an NPC entity or player placed object that you aim at with your camera (won’t destroy entire structures, just individual building pieces).
  • Ctrl+Shift+Delete:It is similar to Shift+Delete above but has a larger area of effect, deleting multiple objects at once. Destruction pattern appears to be random and inconsistent.


These were are all the known Conan Exiles Admin Commands. For any queries, issues, doubts, or suggestions, feel free to visit the Comment box. Hope I helped you with the Admin Panel.

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[Full List] Conan Exiles Admin Commands - Richannel (2025)
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