The writer/director of THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB, an R-rated movie about a group of practicing homosexuals, reportedly said that he wanted to write a homosexual movie about romance rather than sex, something “universal that everybody could understand.” At the heart of the story is 28-year-old Dennis, a West Hollywood photographer played by Timothy Olyphant . Dennis has grown tired of the promiscuous lifestyle of his close “homosexual” friends. When he meets a young man who has just started experimenting with homosexuality, he tries to mentor him so he can protect himself from the sexual predators in the homosexual community.
THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB is a pro-homosexual romantic comedy advocating long-term intimate relationships rather than wanton sex. However, like most movies about homosexuality, the romantic relationships in the story are a parody of all the heterosexual relationships viewers have seen countless times before this. It’s almost as if writer/director Greg Berlanti, who works with homosexual screenwriter Kevin Williamson on TV’s DAWSON’S CREEK, realizes that homosexuality is a violation of the natural order. As always, viewers steeped in the grand moral traditions of Judaism and Christianity will find these unnatural, immoral caricatures ludicrous, if not offensive
(PaPaPa, HoHoHo, PCPCPC, AB, LLL, SS, N, A, DD, MM) Homosexual pagan worldview that tries to mainstream the sexual immorality of homosexual lust, a politically correct, ultimately leftist agenda, plus a snide comment against the National Rifle Association & Promise Keepers, a Christian group for men; 59 mostly strong obscenities, 7 mild profanities & 4 strong profanities mentioning Jesus Christ, plus some crude talk about homosexuality; no violence; depicted homosexual kissing, implied homosexual sodomy, implied homosexual promiscuity, & verbal references to homosexual sex, some of them crude; brief upper male nudity; alcohol use; smoking, marijuana smoking & other depicted drug use, which results in an overdose; and, lying, jealousy, betrayal, & lesbian woman’s homosexual brother agrees to donate his sperm so that her girlfriend can have their baby.
In the old, tamer days of Hollywood, effeminate, latent homosexual characters were often portrayed as a kind of parody of heterosexuality. Now in the days of militant homosexuality, it still seems that filmmakers portray homosexual characters as a kind of heterosexual parody, even if the movie is made by someone who clearly supports the apparent agenda of the politically active homosexual movement. For instance, consider last year’s FLAWLESS, pairing Robert DeNiro as a hard-nosed, decidedly heterosexual cop and Philip Seymour Hoffman as the homosexual “drag queen” who helps the cop get over a debilitating stroke. As in so many of today’s movies featuring homosexual characters, especially homosexual men who dress in women’s clothes, the homosexual character in FLAWLESS is an extravagant parody of heterosexual cliches, especially cliches regarding women. For a less female-centered example, consider the male homosexual cheerleader in the current comedy, BRING IT ON, a minor character in the story. Near the end of the movie, the cheerleader meets a male homosexual cheerleader from another squad, and their meeting becomes a funny parody of what happens when a boy in high school meets a very attractive girl in high school for the first time. Even in a serious drama about the homosexual lifestyle, like 1970s THE BOYS IN THE BAND or 1999’s British import, GET REAL, homosexuality becomes a sad, at times even tragic, parody of heterosexuality.
Thus, even in modern movies that blatantly advocate, approve or sympathize with homosexuality, there is an awareness that homosexual behavior is a parody of the natural order of God’s Creation, as St. Paul himself says in Romans 1:26 and 27 of the Bible, the Word of God. Of course, God Himself says in Leviticus and Deuteronomy of His Word that he “detests” both homosexual behavior and cross-dressing. As the King James Version puts it, such things are an “abomination” to God. Furthermore, Jesus Christ condemns all forms of “sexual immorality” or “unlawful sexual lust” in Matthew 15:19 and Mark 7:21. Even pagans who lack traditional Jewish or Christian values can realize, in their heart of hearts, that God puts strict moral limits on the sexual behavior of human beings.
The writer and director of THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB, an R-rated movie about a group of male friends who are practicing homosexuals, reportedly said that he wanted to write a homosexual movie that was about romance and not about sex, something “universal that everybody could understand.” At the center of the movie’s story is 28-year-old Dennis, a West Hollywood photographer played by Timothy Olyphant. Dennis has grown tired of the promiscuous sexual lifestyle of his close “homosexual” friends. When he meets a young man named Kevin, who has just started experimenting with homosexuality, he tries to mentor Kevin so Kevin can protect himself from the sexual predators in the homosexual community. Among the biggest sexual predators is Dennis’ handsome friend Cole, played by Dean Cain of TV’s THE NEW ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN. Eventually, Cole, an actor, gets his comeuppance when he is dumped by a famous, secretly homosexual movie director who gives Cole his first big break.
THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB is a pro-homosexual romantic comedy that advocates long-term intimate relationships rather than sexual promiscuity. However, like other pro-homosexual movies, the romantic homosexual relationships in the story essentially are a parody of all the heterosexual relationships that viewers have seen in countless other movies. For example, one of the homosexual friends is still sleeping with an ex-lover even though the ex-lover is clearly bothered by the fact that his former “partner” can’t seem to open up to him emotionally. In fact, the ex-lover is so disturbed by the other man’s emotional constipation that he has turned to rampant marijuana smoking whenever they’re together. In another example, Cole uses smooth, predatory pickup lines on a male homosexual catcher against whose softball team Cole and Dennis’ other friends are playing.
Consequently, it’s almost as if Greg Berlanti, the writer/director of THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB who also works with homosexual screenwriter Kevin Williamson on TV’s DAWSON’S CREEK, unconsciously realizes that homosexuality is a caricature and a violation of the natural order of God’s Creation. As always, viewers steeped in the grand moral traditions of Judaism and Christianity will find these unnatural, immoral exaggerations ludicrous or offensive. This will be true even though THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB, unlike most homosexual movies, avoids depicting graphic sexual images and explicit nudity.
Despite its “user-friendly” homosexuality, THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB has plenty of strong foul language, including some strong profanity misusing the name of Jesus Christ that will further offend many Christian viewers. This foul language is accompanied by a subplot where a lesbian woman’s homosexual brother agrees to donate his sperm so that her girlfriend can have their baby. This perverted subplot belies director Berlanti’s claim that he wants his movie to achieve a “universal” appeal that everyone can understand. It also shows that the real agenda of all pro-homosexual movies, even those that try to appeal to “mainstream” audiences, is nothing short of the complete destruction of all people who support traditional family values and the biblical worldview. The politicians and spokespeople who express support for no “discrimination” against homosexual behavior are not really friends of Christ or Moses; they actually are tools of the adversary, either consciously or unconsciously.
It is ironic, however, that, within the story of this movie, Dennis eventually breaks the no-sex rules which he himself sets up regarding his new relationship with Kevin. This once again proves the old adage that, no matter what manmade rules people set up for ourselves, they always end up breaking even those. Thus, the need for a Divine Savior is a need all people have, even if they’ve replaced the Law of God with the Laws of Men.
What, then, is the answer for man’s fallen sinful nature? Why, Jesus Christ, of course. To quote St. Paul in Romans 7:24, 25, “Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Several verses later, in Romans 8:2-4, he adds, “Through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering, in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.” Thus, by accepting Jesus Christ as Divine Savior, people can yield to the power and ministry of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the moral and ethical guidelines of the Law of God. In fact, the love of God that is in Jesus Christ makes them more than conquerors in Christ. Because Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding for them and making sure that nothing in life – “neither trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword,” Romans 8:35 – can separate them from God. There’s no greater love than that, including the phony homosexual love portrayed in THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB.