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10-10-2016, 03:45 AM
The chances of having another Pet class like Smn/Sch might be slim to non.
I keep seeing people saying Beast master might make it in the game, but looking how rocky Smn development from 2.0 too now. I think we might not get another Pet class unless it's a class that would be extremely easy to patch.
10-10-2016, 04:02 AM
10-10-2016, 04:05 AM
IMO the only good jobs are SMN and SCH :\
10-10-2016, 04:43 AM
I love Smn and Sch they both are my mains...but it did have a rough time before 3.0.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaurie
IMO the only good jobs are SMN and SCH :\
-It's a conjoined twin with Sch, so whatever buff they give to Smn will effect Sch, so it extremely hard to buff.
-At one point Smn was OP, because thunder 1 was CC, so tha had to be removed.
-The devs just allowed us the ability to bane muitlple targets. Before 3.0 it was a max of 3.
- also with 3.0. Ifrit got a major buff before that Garuda egi rule the land (it still kinda does.)10-10-2016, 04:49 AM
inb4 necromancer.
10-10-2016, 04:54 AM
Ifrit was superior a few patches ago, but recent buffs made Garuda end-all-be-all.Quote:
Originally Posted by Bigcat9715
I love Smn and Sch they both are my mains...but it did have a rough time before 3.0.
-Well for starters SMN wasn't even supposed to be in the game until the community got involved. There was only going to be Sch. That's why Smn has a raise.
-At one point Smn was OP, because thunder 1 was CC, so tha had to be removed.
-The devs just allowed us the ability to bane muitlple targets. Before 3.0 it was a max of 3.
- also with 3.0. Ifrit got a major buff before that Garuda egi rule the land (it still kinda does.)I agree there have been changes, but all classes and jobs have had changes.
IMO the current iteration of SMN and SCH are the best iterations of all the jobs. SCH feels like the most complete healer, where AST has been constantly getting adjustments and WHM sort-of feels like it has lost its identity.
10-10-2016, 05:27 AM
I was hoping tanks would get a pet class since dps got one and healer got one ; ;
10-10-2016, 05:35 AM
As long as they keep the pet a minor aspect of the job, I don't think it's unlikely it will happen. What is unlikely to happen is a job where the pet does 90% of the work and the actual character is a glorified cheerleader - they were trying to go into the opposite direction in the expansion and this is really the only indication that they'd rather phase out pets if they could. What's also unlikely to happen is more jobs that branch from classes, rather than being standalone - they made that point pretty clear.
So yeah...not ruling out beastmaster per se, but it's gameplay is most likely not going to be dominated by pet micromanagement.
10-10-2016, 06:22 AM
I understand that all classes go through adjustments, but to be honest it feels like Smn was the second class to go through the most adjustments with Astrologian being first. Also isn't Sch consider top Healer currently.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaurie
Isn't the tank having a pet an American idea, and is rarely seen elsewhere? The only games that come to mind that has a Tank class that has a pet is DCUO(rock power) and Wild Star(engineer).Quote:
Originally Posted by Marxam
I was hoping tanks would get a pet class since dps got one and healer got one ; ;
10-10-2016, 10:28 AM
Tanks in Neverwinter can use pets as well.Quote:
Originally Posted by Bigcat9715
10-10-2016, 10:36 AM
See AlsoLich Drain Life Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.1)Ffxiv A2S Guide : Aiwxg14ph4qlsm : As of the final fantasy xiv:MagiusNecros
The only new Pet skill being a skill that kills your Pet for moar healing powah should give you the perspective of the Dev's opinions on pet classes.
10-10-2016, 11:05 AM
Plus, the fact that Pet glamour is still not out yet even though it was announced back at the start of 3.0.Quote:
Originally Posted by MagiusNecros
The only new Pet skill being a skill that kills your Pet for moar healing powah should give you the perspective of the Dev's opinions on pet classes.
10-10-2016, 11:12 AM
"Pet glamour? We forgot all about it!? Maybe next patch! For sure! Honest!"Quote:
Originally Posted by Bigcat9715
Plus, the fact that Pet glamour is still not out yet even though it was announced back at the start of 3.0.
GTFO of here with that shit already. Pffft. Before you know it the whole glamour is the real endgame is all the dev's are gonna talk about instead of I dunno focusing on the actual joke of a job class the Scummoner is. I mean as an affliction mage yeah it works but as a actual Summoning class? Complete. Joke.
Magius is mean.
10-10-2016, 11:38 AM
When it comes to a new pet class, they could kinda cheat and still claim it if the pet itself was the weapon. As in they move with you and the attacks are nothing more than your characters waving/signaling/calling out commands that the pet instantly reacts too as if you performed the skill yourself. I mean, its an idea but don't know how many people would jump on that train or not, but this in turn would mean we ourselves would be doing nothing more than commanding and moving, not attacking alongside our pet.
10-10-2016, 11:41 AM
I've made peace that Beastmaster probably won't be a thing in this game. If it is, it won't be anywhere near as exciting as XI's was, and that's okay.
10-10-2016, 12:26 PM
I"d like to see them introduce "non-friendly PVE jobs" as PoTD type jobs, that are designed to be OP/unusable in a PVE setting but allow the user the flexibility to have a variety of abilities for POTD like content.
10-10-2016, 12:28 PM
I REALLY WANT they FIX the actual pet first before they give new pet glamour! RIP Ifrit-egi.Quote:
Originally Posted by Bigcat9715
Plus, the fact that Pet glamour is still not out yet even though it was announced back at the start of 3.0.
10-10-2016, 12:47 PM
I'm curious what are the major problems with Smn? I think I know a few...for one thing Ifrit-egi is still barely used even though the Devs said that they want all the pets to be used more. I used to be a Ifrit user myself until a FC companion of mine thought me the ways of Contagion and I haven't gone back since. Another problem I see is still Mana, but that might be more of an personal problem seeing that I'm an Mana guzzler and like to use Ruin 3 alot. The only other problem I see is that Smn is not all that great in a single target battle compare to say Blm. It's more of an multi-target killer, so it would be better to bring it to say for example an Bismarck Ex fight rather than to a Ravana Ex fight.Quote:
Originally Posted by MagiusNecros
"Pet glamour? We forgot all about it!? Maybe next patch! For sure! Honest!"
GTFO of here with that shit already. Pffft. Before you know it the whole glamour is the real endgame is all the dev's are gonna talk about instead of I dunno focusing on the actual joke of a job class the Scummoner is. I mean as an affliction mage yeah it works but as a actual Summoning class? Complete. Joke.
Magius is mean.
10-10-2016, 07:12 PM
Remember Titan Egi and Ramuh Ex? Yeah they want you to use Pets alright.Quote:
Originally Posted by Bigcat9715
I'm curious what are the major problems with Smn? I think I know a few...for one thing Ifrit-egi is still barely used even though the Devs said that they want all the pets to be used more. I used to be a Ifrit user myself until a FC companion of mine thought me the ways of Contagion and I haven't gone back since. Another problem I see is still Mana, but that might be more of an personal problem seeing that I'm an Mana guzzler and like to use Ruin 3 alot. The only other problem I see is that Smn is not all that great in a single target battle compare to say Blm. It's more of an multi-target killer, so it would be better to bring it to say for example an Bismarck Ex fight rather than to a Ravana Ex fight.
Only thing they did was fix Radiant Shield for HW and maybe something else. Stuff that should have been fixed in 2.0. Plus those Tank Enmity changes? Did Titan Egi get enmity changes? NOPE.
All they see with the Pet is Garuda Contagion duty for the basis of DoT upkeep because it really is about spreading famine and disease and upkeeping it forever.
Reflected in the PotD sprite that shows only Garuda. Clearly the only one you should be using.
But what do they talk about? Egi glamour. EGI GLAMOUR.
10-10-2016, 08:26 PM
More convinced that not only will there not be any pet jobs until a better standard control UI can be implemented for it, but also the main reason why Summoner hasn't gotten pet glamours yet is really because the 4.0 job overhaul is going to remove pets from Summoners so they can put more focus on the player and making it a tiny bit closer to much earlier versions of the job.
10-10-2016, 11:08 PM
Pets can work, you just need a good framework for them. Pets doing 90% of the work is insanely difficult to balance, and with certain player behaviors seen here, it's probably for the better that we don't have anything like it.
That said, beastmaster is possible. It's not the best concept ever, but I still think this has merit to it.
10-10-2016, 11:15 PM
Instead of another pet, I hear more from friends who play asking for pet glamour and to a lesser extent a conjoined-separation of the jobs.
I have no real opinion myself as I don't play the jobs myself.
10-10-2016, 11:29 PM
As a SMN / SCH main, pet glamours seem neat, but I would much rather prefer more pets to summon. I'd like to have a bigger focus of my job as a SMN to be summoning very pets. That'd mean pet summons need faster cast times, different pets would have various strengths (or just swap based on cooldowns which aren't shared), a bunch more pets added, MP reduced on summoning etc. I just doesn't seem like that is in the cards, though.Quote:
Originally Posted by ErikMynhier
Instead of another pet, I hear more from friends who play asking for pet glamour and to a lesser extent a conjoined-separation of the jobs.
I have no real opinion myself as I don't play the jobs myself.
All of that said, I think we're talking about adding an entirely new pet job, not just new pets.
10-10-2016, 11:31 PM
I just want a pet-class where the player is controling the pet actions more and the pet is the center of the class and not the player.
10-11-2016, 01:58 AM
Everquest has three tank classes : Warrior, Paladin, Shadow Knight. Of those three, Shadow Knights actually have pets, though they are little more than ambulatory, mana-efficient DoTs. There's also the Warrior's short duration "pet" that does everything it can to generate hate for a brief time then goes *poof* transferring every point of hate generated to the Warrior. I do not know how long that "pet" lasts though its not long.Quote:
Originally Posted by Bigcat9715
Isn't the tank having a pet an American idea, and is rarely seen elsewhere? The only games that come to mind that has a Tank class that has a pet is DCUO(rock power) and Wild Star(engineer).
10-11-2016, 02:23 AM
The whole Titan egi and Ramuh ex thing is probably why they won't increase the enmity it generates, because it was allowing people to skip mechanics. So that's probably why we aren't going to see Titan egi anywhere else besides the open world.Quote:
Originally Posted by MagiusNecros
Remember Titan Egi and Ramuh Ex? Yeah they want you to use Pets alright.
Only thing they did was fix Radiant Shield for HW and maybe something else. Stuff that should have been fixed in 2.0. Plus those Tank Enmity changes? Did Titan Egi get enmity changes? NOPE.
All they see with the Pet is Garuda Contagion duty for the basis of DoT upkeep because it really is about spreading famine and disease and upkeeping it forever.
Reflected in the PotD sprite that shows only Garuda. Clearly the only one you should be using.
But what do they talk about? Egi glamour. EGI GLAMOUR.
They not only changed Radiant Shield, but also increased the radius on flaming crush. It used to barely hit 2 enemies standing next to each other, but that wasn't changed until 3.0.
I honestly think they are going to do something about contagion. The move is too good not to use, and with pet glamour coming out they are going to have to do something about it to make us use Ifrit just as much as garuda. I only see 3 outcomes from this:
1. They remove contagion from Garuda and give it to the player.
2. Remove Contagion completely
3. Ifrit egi gets his own version of contagion
But like I said they will have to do something about balancing the pets, and this is exactly why I think that Smn and Sch are going to be the only pet classes in this game. The Devs either hate pet classes or it just way too hard to balance.
Also the thing I find the saddest about the class is that when you google Summoner Ifrit egi is clearly the poster Egi, but yet they still have yet to make him just as viable as Garuda egi...
10-11-2016, 02:40 AM
It was the other way. They announced Arcanist and Summoner for ARR during the Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary event (2012), but kept the Scholar as a secret.Quote:
Originally Posted by Bigcat9715
I love Smn and Sch they both are my mains...but it did have a rough time before 3.0.
-Well for starters SMN wasn't even supposed to be in the game until the community got involved. There was only going to be Sch. That's why Smn has a raise.
And SMN have a raise because it is an Arcanist skill.
10-11-2016, 02:59 AM
Oh, really? Whoops! I'll edit it. Thank youQuote:
Originally Posted by Felis
It was the other way. They announced Arcanist and Summoner for ARR during the Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary event (2012), but kept the Scholar as a secret.
And SMN have a raise because it is an Arcanist skill.
10-11-2016, 03:02 AM
A beastmaster tank would be sweet. I see them using big claw weapons like Shamans in WoW.
10-11-2016, 03:47 AM
I agree that contagion kind of throws a wrench in any discussion about variety with SMN. They gave Ifrit a buff to it's auto-attack in 3.3 (I think? Maybe it was 3.2?) but that still doesn't make up for how nice contagion is to have. If they made contagion a player skill and gave Garuda something else -which I am firmly in favor of- then we might see li'l Satan in more places. As it is now, the only time I ever see Ifrit is in a pug with two summoners. But, that might continue on the path that they've been on, making the pet more and more of an accessory. In which case, OP is right; a new pet job is probably not in the cards.
10-11-2016, 04:15 AM
Oo please, we all know BEast Master will be in game at some point..their no way SE won't add it.
10-11-2016, 04:22 AM
yeah i can see this happening, as an excuse that we can only get 2 new jobs, because making smn more smn like was too muchQuote:
Originally Posted by Kazrah
More convinced that not only will there not be any pet jobs until a better standard control UI can be implemented for it, but also the main reason why Summoner hasn't gotten pet glamours yet is really because the 4.0 job overhaul is going to remove pets from Summoners so they can put more focus on the player and making it a tiny bit closer to much earlier versions of the job.
10-11-2016, 05:05 AM
I highly doubt they are going to put beast master in the game seeing their current track record with Smn/Sch, but all of this is just speculation. I hope I'm wrong. I would love to play a tank class with a pet or another Pet class dps.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lulu89
Oo please, we all know BEast Master will be in game at some point..their no way SE won't add it.
10-11-2016, 07:02 AM
I doubt they'd use that as an excuse since last I heard, every job is supposed to get a makeover for 4.0Quote:
Originally Posted by ADVSS
yeah i can see this happening, as an excuse that we can only get 2 new jobs, because making smn more smn like was too much
10-11-2016, 07:25 AM
I hope Beastmaster doesn't get added. Another FF already had it there and was the best version of it. And since this game doesn't like borrowing anything from it's older sister other than assets, this version will probably be worse.
10-11-2016, 09:06 AM
Same here, but the Devs pretty much said that it's not happening. To be honest I'm not surprise FF14 is a casual friendly game. I don't think the normal player base would be able to handle it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Laerune
I just want a pet-class where the player is controling the pet actions more and the pet is the center of the class and not the player.
10-11-2016, 12:26 PM
Like a Mammet Master class :3 that would be pretty wicked, and every "weapon" is a different Mammet, kinda like Lulu in FFX had a doll as her weapon.Quote:
Originally Posted by AlphaFox
When it comes to a new pet class, they could kinda cheat and still claim it if the pet itself was the weapon. As in they move with you and the attacks are nothing more than your characters waving/signaling/calling out commands that the pet instantly reacts too as if you performed the skill yourself. I mean, its an idea but don't know how many people would jump on that train or not, but this in turn would mean we ourselves would be doing nothing more than commanding and moving, not attacking alongside our pet.
Otherwise, I'm not sure WHY people are saying issues with SMN/SCH are why they won't make another pet class, the thing with those two is they're combined, and that's why they have issues. Making a completely new pet class would allow them to optimize the system.
Now I would LOVE Beastmaster, but Beastmaster has thee same issue as Blue Mage where it's hard to maintain the integrity of what the class is within the confines of how jobs are in FFXIV. Both classes are heavily dependent on going out and capturing/experiencing different monsters in the game. It is very not casual friendly and it would be worse because people would be hating on the class players for not having such and such skill/pet. The developers have talked about this being an issue with Blue Mage and why it is unlikely to be brought into the game, and Beastmaster gets the same boat.
That said, the Mammet Master idea wouldn't be bad, and there is Final Fantasy precedence... but if they do Beastmaster, the issues would have nothing to do with SMN/SCH but more to do with how to define the beast to be commanded and how to make it seem Final Fantasy still.
10-11-2016, 01:42 PM
Egi glamor just didn't make it in time for patch 3.4, and is now scheduled for patch 3.5. Likewise remake of exploratory missions was shifted to 3.5. While there will be a lot of job adjustments in 4.0, there's no indication of completely redeveloping SMN into a new job. Egi system is staying.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kazrah
More convinced that not only will there not be any pet jobs until a better standard control UI can be implemented for it, but also the main reason why Summoner hasn\\'t gotten pet glamours yet is really because the 4.0 job overhaul is going to remove pets from Summoners so they can put more focus on the player and making it a tiny bit closer to much earlier versions of the job.
10-11-2016, 03:46 PM
I miss the time where summons were big attacks with 30 sec cutscene and not pets.
10-11-2016, 05:52 PM
I've posted a lot about a pet class and what I'd want beastmaster to be in quite a few threads. But I'm going to say that at this point I'm fairly convinced that SE has abandoned the pet system entirely outside of (possible) glamours. If we do end up getting another pet class that places more emphasis on the duo working as a team rather than the pet being what pets are in all other MMO's (a glorified DoT) nowadays? I will be genuinely surprised.Quote:
Originally Posted by Laerune
I just want a pet-class where the player is controling the pet actions more and the pet is the center of the class and not the player.
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